Yankee Candle SmartScent Car Vent Clip, Macintosh

Yankee Candle
In Stock


Brand Yankee Candle
Model 1304392
Color medium red
Size Car

  • The unmistakable taste of the orchard is expressed through notes of fruit peels, crisp greens, and juicy Macintosh apples
  • Clips easily onto car vents; also great in other small spaces like lockers or closets
  • Up to 30 days fragrance life
  • SmartScent Vent Clips work best with temperatures of 70 degrees (F) or above flowing from the vent
  • Note: you may see a small amount of liquid residue at the bottom of the window when the fragrance is depleted
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Label graphics may vary

  • Never run out of your favorite Yankee Candle fragrance when you're on the road. SmartScent Vent Clips have a clear window so you can easily see when you need to replace them. The air freshener fastens to your dash vents and releases fragrance with the airflow. The slider on the back lets you adjust the level of scent.

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