Sunbeam Microplush Heated Electric Throw Blanket with EliteStyle Controller, Garnet Red

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  • WARM AND COZY: This Sunbeam Fleece Heated Electric Throw Blanket is made of soft, 100% polyester that gently wraps you in warmth and comfort during cold nights, while ThermoFine technology auto-adjusts for consistent heat control
  • EASY TO USE: The EliteStyle lighted controller is easy to see and use, and features 3 warming settings and a 3-hour auto-off function for peace of mind
  • SOFT AND DURABLE: Made of 100% polyester, this extra-soft 50" x 60" heated blanket is machine-washable and dryer safe
  • 5-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY: Blanket is durable for years of use

  • Get cozy and stay warm in the deluxe softness of microplush with this snuggle-worthy heated throw from Sunbeam. The Thermofine warming system senses and adjusts to deliver consistent warmth for hours. The controller comes with three Heat Settings and 3-hour Auto Off. Exclusive wiring system senses and adjusts throughout the throw for the highest peace of mind. Only from Sunbeam Heated Bedding. Throw measures 50 inches by 60 inches. 5-Year Limited Warranty Included.
    Brand: Sunbeam, Model: TSM8US- R310-25B00, Color: Garnet, Size: Throw

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