BLACKDECKER Purify 2-Liter Air Fryer, White/Black, HF100WD

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Model HF100WD
Color White

  • 2L Capacity- The 2-liter (about 8-cup) capacity can fit snacks or main dishes for the whole family
  • Nonstick, Removable Parts - The nonstick pan, basket, and separator make cleanup quick and easy
  • Adjustable Temperature Control - Find the best frying temperature for everything from frozen vegetables to pizza rolls The temperature control varies from 175-400° degrees
  • 60-Minute Timer - The 60-minute timer allows for precision cooking on a wide range of foods The unit will automatically turn off when the timer is up
  • Cool-Touch Handle - Safely retrieve and pour out food when cooking is complete. Dishwasher Safe
  • Dual Convection Fans- The exclusive cooking element combines heat with a powerful dual fan convection system to circulate hot air around food for fast, crispy results
  • 60-Minute Timer- The 60-minute timer allows for precision cooking on a wide range of foods. The unit will automatically turn off when the timer is up
  • Variable Temperature Control- Find the best frying temperature for everything from frozen vegetables to pizza rolls. The temperature control ranges from 175-400°F
  • Indicator Lights- One light shows when the unit is powered on, and the other turns off when the preheat temperature is reached
  • 2L Capacity- The 2-liter (about 8-cup) capacity can fit snacks or main dishes. There's room to fry two potatoes or up to eight chicken wings
  • Cool-Touch Handle- It's simple to retrieve your delicious creations with the cool-touch handle that keeps you safely away from the heat

  • Delicious fried food is finally guilt-free. The BLACKDECKER PuriFry Air Fryer cuts out the oil to give you crispy food without the added fat. A pair of powerful convection fans surrounds food with heated air to cook all of your favorite fried delights quickly and evenly. The variable temperature control ranges from 175-400° and the 60-minute timer automatically shuts off the machine once cooking is complete. The frying basket can hold 2 liters (about 8 cups) of food, making it easy to fry up snacks or a main dish for the whole family. The BLACKDECKER PuriFry Air Fryer is the revolutionary way to enjoy deliciously crispy fried food with all of the flavor and none of the guilt.

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