Westinghouse WCM11100W 1000 Watt Counter Top Microwave Oven, 1.1 Cubic Feet, White Cabinet

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Brand Westinghouse
Model WCM11100W
Color White

  • Push button touch controls for simple, worry free operation
  • 10 cooking power levels provide tremendous flexibility and help deliver a quality meal every time
  • Six one-touch quick cook menu buttons: Popcorn, Potato, Pizza, Beverage, Reheat, Frozen Food
  • Convenient auto weight and speed defrost make you feel like a professional chef in your kitchen
  • Push button style door with peace of mind child safety lock

  • When you by Westinghouse you know you're buying quality. With the WCM11100B microwave oven you're getting 1000 Watts of cooking power and a spacious 1.1 cubic foot interior. The easy-to-read LED display is equipped with both clock and timer options, making it easy to keep track of when your food will be ready. With 10 cooking power levels and 6 one-touch quick cook menu buttons you can prepare just about any food worry free. There is also an auto defrost option that executes to perfection just by entering the type of food and weight. Every house isn't complete without a microwave for those quick to the table meals.

    Custom Tab 01

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