Waterford Lismore Tall Iced Beverage, 11-Ounce

In Stock


Brand WaterfordCrystal
Model 6133182900
Color Clear
Size None

  • Handcrafted full lead crystal stemware
  • Intricate detailing of Lismore's signature diamond and wedge cuts
  • Comforting weight provides reassuring stability
  • Can be used to serve any iced beverage
  • Hand wash only

  • The Waterford Lismore pattern is a stunning combination of brilliance and clarity. Ice tinkles musically against fine crystal with the Lismore Tall Iced Beverage glass; a generously proportioned glass equally suitable for filling with water, juice or ice-cold cocktails. Adding a touch of elegance to any occasion, Lismore's signature diamond and wedge cuts combine with the stunning clarity and comforting weight of Waterford's hand-crafted fine crystal to make this a particularly beautiful example of classic drinkware Combine quarter cup ammonia with a mild lemon detergent. Rinse in clean water and air dry on a rack. Clean vases and decanters by filling them half-full with moderately hot water, a small amount of mild detergent, two tablespoons of white vinegar or ammonia and 1/2 cup uncooked rice. Swirl the rice around for a few minutes to remove residue.

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