Vacu Vin Wine Saver Vacuum Stoppers Set of 6 – Grey

Vacu Vin
In Stock


Brand Vacu Vin
Model 0086341
Color Gray
Size Set of 6

  • Designed to be used with all of Vacu Vin's Wine Saver Pumps. The pump and stoppers are used together to remove air from your wine bottle to keep wine tasting new for up to a week!
  • Contains 6 Grey Vacu Vin Wine Saver Vacuum Stoppers
  • Suitable for all Red and White Wines. Universal fit for all wine bottles.
  • Just insert the universal wine saver vacuum stoppers into the bottle and pump using a genuine Vacu Vin Wine Saver Pump (sold separately). Pump until you hear the patented "Click" . The "Click" signals an air tight seal!
  • Made in the Netherlands

  • Vacu Vin Wine Saver Vacuum Stoppers are specially designed to be used alongside a genuine Vacu Vin Wine Saver Pump. These stoppers allow for an airtight vacuum that preserves the flavor and taste of wine for up to a week! The stoppers are universal for all bottles and are simply inserted into the neck of an opened wine bottle. Although they are most effective when used with a genuine Vacu Vin Wine Saver Pump, they can also be used as a traditional stopper, keeping additional air out!

    Vacu Vin Wine Saver Vacuum Stoppers are constructed from high-quality, food grade rubber that is dishwasher safe. They are extremely durable and will provide years of use. The cap on the top of the stoppers can be removed in order to aid cleaning.

    Vacu Vin was established in 1986 in Delft, the Netherlands. For over 30 years this family-owned company has evolved into the leading brand within the housewares industry, offering an array of barware accessories and kitchen gadgets that are characterized by their quality and innovative functionality. Vacu Vin's product portfolio also includes award-winning Wine Coolers, Pineapple Slicers and other gadgets now used in over 35 million households and more than 80 countries throughout the world. A specialist, European in-house design team are constantly striving to add new items to the company's ever-evolving product portfolio to satisfy the demands of the savvy, modern-day consumer.

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