USA Pan Bakeware Aluminized Steel Brownie Bite Pan, 20 Well

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Brand USA Pan
Model 1250MF
Color Grey
Size 15-3/4 by 11

  • Made in the USA Aluminized Steel 20-Well Brownie Bite Pan, commercial grade and heavy gauge- measures1.66 x 1.66 x 1.28 inches in each well
  • Unique corrugated surface design facilitates air circulation for evenly baked goods and quick release
  • Coated with Americoat - a silicone that is PTFE, PFOA and BPA free
  • 65% recycled steel and limited lifetime warranty
  • USA Pan is a Bundy Family Company that has proudly manufactured high quality bakeware and provided jobs in the USA for over 50 years

  • The USA Pan 20-Well Brownie Bite Pan measures a full 1.656 x 1.656x 1.281 inches in each well by baking surface and is a specialized pan designed to make the perfect bite-sized chocolate brownies, blondies, and other sweet snacks. Simply pour your batter or mix into the perfectly shaped wells, stick it in the oven, and enjoy your fun-sized snacks. The pan surface is coated with a patented AMERICOAT Plus coating, a non-stick silicone, allowing you to easily release your baked goods from the pan. AMERICOAT Plus is PTFE, PFOA and BPA free. Every USA Pan is made in the USA and has been designed with the same standard high performance features that commercial bakers enjoy including aluminized steel and heavy gauge steel construction that allows for even heat distribution and maximum service life. USA Pan 20-Well Brownie Bite Pan's unique fluted panel surface design facilitates air circulation and also maximizes pan strength, which helps to resist warping. USA Pan bakeware is long-lasting, durable, reliable, and comes with a limited lifetime warranty. USA Pan's professional grade bakeware helps everyday home bakers produce professional grade baked goods. USA Pan is a Bundy Family owned company, based in the Greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area that has been producing high performance bakeware for over 50 years. Dimensions represent baking surface, not overall pan size.

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