TOSCANA - a Picnic Time brand Picnic Time Circo Cheese Board with Cheese Tools

TOSCANA - a Picnic Time brand
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Brand TOSCANA - a Picnic Time brand
Model 854-00-505
Color Traditional
Size 12 x 12 x 2

  • Circo swivel-style circular cheese board with 4 assorted full-tang cheese tools by Toscana, a Picnic Time brand
  • Features durable hardwood cutting board that opens to reveal the stainless steel tools nested inside
  • Includes full-tang cheese plane, knife/spreader, curved knife with dual pronged tip, sharp cheese knife for hard cheeses
  • Recessed moat along the board's edge will catch cheese brine or other liquids; Easy care- wipe clean
  • Measures 10.2 inches in diameter; Backed by the Picnic Time Family of Brands BUILT TO LAST Lifetime Guarantee

  • Great for entertaining, this Circo Cheese board set by Toscana, a Picnic Time brand, features a swivel-style circular chopping board made of naturally durable hardwood. The top of this uniquely designed cheese set slides away on a hinge, revealing the gadgets nested inside. The four assorted cheese tools feature stainless steel, full-tang construction, and include one each; cheese plane, knife/spreader, curved knife with a dual pronged tip for lifting, and a sharp cheese knife/cutter for extra hard cheeses. Additional features of the Circo cheese board set include a recessed moat along the board's edge to catch cheese brine or other liquids, and a generous surface area for serving. The Circo measures 10.2 inches in diameter by 1.6 inches, and makes a fabulous gift! Backed by the Picnic Time Family of Brands BUILT TO LAST Lifetime Guarantee.

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