The SwimWays Spring Float is the original pool float with a patented inner spring for greater comfort and stability in the water.
Relax on the soft, cooling mesh bed, oversized pillow, and durable fabric-covered inflation.
Folds flat into three compact circles for portability and storage.
Supports most adults up to 250 lb (113 kg).
Dimensions: 69 in x 35 in x 5.5 in (175 cm x 89 cm x 14 cm)
SwimWays Spring Float is the original pool float with a patented inner spring for greater comfort and stability in the water! This hammock style float features durable fabric-covered inflation and a soft cooling mesh bed that cradles your body just below the surface of the water, keeping you cool on hot summer days. Lay back and relax on the oversized pillow as the hurry of everyday life drifts away. The spring around the outside edge of the float helps to fold the float flat into three compact circles for convenient portability and storage. Jet valves make inflation and deflation quick and easy, so you'll be in and out of the water faster. Carry/storage bag included. Supports most adults up to 250 lb (113 kg). Dimensions: 69 in x 35 in x 5.5 in (175 cm x 89 cm x 14 cm). Sold individually. Brand: SwimWays, Model: 13868-162, Color: Dark Blue /Light Blue
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