SLIDEWHIZZER AKC Kinetics Outdoor Round Spinner Tree Swing - Large 30” Saucer Swing in Green - Durable Steel Frame - Waterproof - Adjustable Ropes - Easy to Install - Summer Backyard Fun for Kids

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  • ENDLESS FUN: Uniquely designed for all directional swings, the AKC Kinetics Round Swing provides hours of endless fun year-round! Plus, it encourages outdoor, electronics-free play! Everyone will be exercising without them knowing it!
  • SAFE & DURABLE: With an industrial strength steel frame and commercial grade ropes, our spinner swing is built to last your family for years. The 600D polyester fabric is permeable in letting water drain so the swing would last and no wet pants!
  • PERFECT FOR PARTIES: With a large 30" diameter seat, a 220 lb weight capacity, and foam padding to the steel frame for comfort, it can accommodate multiple children! A guaranteed hit at kids' parties!.
  • PORTABLE & ADJUSTABLE: With easy, quick installation and adjustable ropes, you'll easily find the right height for your swing when one hanging point isn't level to the other. You can take it with you anywhere, to your friends' backyard, to a kid's party, or even when you go camping!
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Our saucer swings are backed by our manufacturer 30-day money back warranty.

  • Do you have a tree, playground equipment, jungle gym, or a treehouse in your backyard

    Do kids feel bored playing in your backyard Do you have a swing that you constantly need to replace Turn your backyard into an adventure playland with the swing that you wished you'd gotten years ago!

    ENDLESS FUN: Uniquely designed for all directional swings, the AKC Kinetics Round Swing provides hours of endless fun year-round! Plus, it encourages outdoor, electronics-free play! Everyone will be exercising without them knowing it!

    SAFE & DURABLE: With an industrial strength steel frame and commercial grade ropes, our spinner swing is built to last your family for years. The 600D polyester fabric is permeable in letting water drain so the swing would last and no wet pants!

    PERFECT FOR PARTIES: With a large 30” diameter seat, a 220 lb weight capacity, and foam padding to the steel frame for comfort, it can accommodate multiple children! A guaranteed hit at kids' parties!.

    EASY TO INSTALL: Easy-to-follow instructions to quickly and easily attach the swing to your tree or swing set are included. It can be attached to any playground equipment or jungle gym. Requires hanging kit.

    INCLUDES: (1) Swing, (2) Hanging Rings, (2) Hanging Ropes WARNING: CHECK FREQUENTLY. This product has parts that can wear or loosen during use. Tighten all hardware and inspect all components for wear. ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. Not suitable for children under the age of 3.

    We have 30-day money back guarantee.

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    Brand: SLIDEWHIZZER, Model: Round Swing Set

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