Giant Spider Web Tree Swing, Orange - Supports 400 Pounds, 40 Inch Diameter, Space for Multiple Children to Swing Together

Swinging Monkey Products
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  • NON-STOP FUN: The Giant Spider Web Tree Swing measuring 40" (inches) in diameter is large enough for multiple children to swing and play together and is durable enough for adults to play as well!
  • SAFE AND DURABLE: Highest quality and adheres to strict safety requirements with quality engineering including a padded steel frame and super strong nylon webbing, this swing is built to last!
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Swinging Monkey Products stands behind all our products and all our products come with an automatic one year warranty. We offer top notch customer service and will always be there for our customers.
  • EASY TO INSTALL AND REMOVE FOR STORAGE: Swings ships in compact package and can be assembled in minutes! The swing is designed to work universally and easily attaches to swing set or hang from a tree!
  • FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE: Buy now and get a FREE hanging strap kit with your purchase - Just add the SWINGING MONKEY PRODUCTS Tree Swing Hanging Strap Kit (ASIN B01DKU0TUW) to your cart, no coupon necessary.

  • Swinging Monkey Products is your premier source for the best selection of top quality swings available on Amazon. Check out our reviews and rest assured you are getting a quality product when you purchase from Swinging Monkey Products!

    Get ready for swinging good times with the Giant Spider Web Tree Swing in bright orange! Your family will love this huge platform swing as it is spacious enough for multiple children to play and swing together. Stand on the swing, sit on the swing or lay on the swing, the options are limitless with so much space! The swing is even strong enough and large enough for parents to swing together with their children! Hang from a single point and let the swing twist and spin or hang from two points like a traditional swing.

    Swing requires basic adult assembly and your order includes all necessary hardware to build and start swinging. The swing can be built and ready to hang in minutes!

    Our swings have been used extensively indoors, outdoors, on swing sets and hung from trees! Swing features an easily adjustable hanging length to make it universally adaptable!

    Manufacturer recommended for ages 5 and a total weight limit of 400 pounds.

    Swinging Monkey Products pride ourselves on our great customer service and only sells high quality toys we use with our own family. Buy from Swinging Monkey Products, a family company and a brand name you can trust!

    Brand: Swinging Monkey Products

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