Stainless Steel Fry Drainer (1, A)

Harold Import Company, Inc.
In Stock


Brand Harold Import Company, Inc.
Model 42131
Color Stainless Steel
Size a

  • Constructed of stainless steel
  • Measures 14" overall length
  • Dishwasher safe

  • When you want to pour boiling water out of your pot, but want to leave your freshly cooked pasta or vegetables in the pot for warmth or to continue with a recipe, you can use this half moon pot drainer and do just that. Simply rest this crescent shaped pan strainer over the pot, catching it on the rim, and pour the hot water out. No more cleaning or hassling with colanders or other straining gadgets. With its 9" L handle, fry drainer makes removing fried foods from hot pans a snap. It even drains the grease as it lifts. Use it to flip food while its cooking so you only have to use one utensil. Handle is heavy-duty for safety. Measures 14" overall length, 9" pot cover length, and 2.75" wide.

    Custom Tab 01

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