Scotchgard Rug & Carpet Protector, 1 Can, 17-Ounce

In Stock


Brand Scotchgard
Model 1023-17H
Size 17 oz

  • Strong carpet protection repels spills for easier cleanup
  • Ideal for high-traffic areas, runners, bath mats, auto mats and more
  • Doesn't change the look and feel of your carpet
  • Limits reappearing spots
  • Apply to new or clean carpets, wet or dry

  • Keep your carpet and rugs looking newer, longer with Scotchgard Rug & Carpet Protector. The triple-action approach repels spills, resists soiling, and blocks stains by forcing liquids up to the surface where they bead up for easy cleanup. Plus, neutralizing action minimizes sticky residue other spray cleaners leave behind, making those reappearing, phantom stains a thing of the past. So prepare for life's little mishaps today, and rest assured with Scotchgard Rug & Carpet Protector, your secret stain avenger.

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