Scotchgard 4101D Fabric & Upholstery Protector, 1 Can, 10-Ounce

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Brand Scotchgard
Model 4101D
Color Red
Size 10 oz

  • Strong fabric protection repels spills for easier cleanup
  • Ideal for household items like upholstery, curtains, pillows, table linens, backpacks, luggage and more
  • Perfect for use on clothing like shirts, dresses, silk ties, suits, outerwear, canvas shoes and more
  • Simple, one-step application
  • Dries clear and odorless

  • Protect the things you love with Scotchgard Fabric Protector. Whether it's a brand-new couch, or your little black dress, Scotchgard Fabric Protector helps repel liquids and block stains without changing the look and feel of the fabric. That means ou can wipe the surface clean before the mess sinks in for beautiful, long-lasting wear. So host a family get-together, or wear your favorite jacket with confidence knowing that Scotchgard Fabric Protector is your secret defender from life's little mishaps.

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