Sakura XEP12 12-Piece Cray-Pas Junior Artist Assorted Color Oil Pastel Set

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Brand Sakura
Model XEP12
Color Assorted
Size 12 Color Set

  • SAKURA-Cray-Pas Junior Artist Oil Pastels
  • Cray-Pas Expressionist oil pastels are ideal for high school and college art students seasoned artists as well as hobbyists
  • Made in United States

  • Craypas junior artist assorted color oil pastel set. Craypas family is ideally suited to compliment technique and expression development from childhood through high school, college, and into the professional level. Young artists blossom with creamy, smooth color that they can smear, blend, dot, overlap and mix. They can learn how to hold a stick to achieve different strokes – either as a pencil, clenched in a fist or on its side. Scratch and stencil art are possible in addition to working with water color over variety. Creativity and interest are enhanced with materials that encourage exploration and expression. Meets astm and acmi nontoxicity standard ap seal. No use of treenut oils, soy, latex, wheat, oat, barley, animal oils or waxes, dairy, casein, or egg ingredients. Will not peel, crack or flake, and are easily blendable. Oil paint effects, overlaying color, and a variety of effects can be experienced. Applicable for creative drawing, lettering and signage, scratch art and dot art, wall art and stenciling art, cards and craft projects. Technical qualities are capable of creating oil paint effects, easy to blend and consistent color hue within sets for nontoxicity, not recommended for use on fabrics intended to be washed, on food service or ceramics that are washed, and not evaluated for cosmetic use on skin. Pastel set 12color assortment includes black, white, cobalt blue, red, orange, yellow, yellowgreen, pink, purple, green, pale orange and brown. Comes with 12 sticks per pack.

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