Sakura 38369 10-Piece Blister Card Glaze 3-Dimensional Glossy Ink Pen Set, Assorted Color

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Brand Sakura
Model 38369
Color Assorted Colors
Size 10PK Basic Set

  • Blister card glaze 3-dimensional glossy ink pen set
  • A roller ball pen that is easy and comfortable to use
  • A raised effect that is delicate and can be crushed-down
  • Waterproof on most surfaces; use on light backgrounds, and on plastic, glass, ceramic and metal
  • Set consist of 1 each sepia, turquoise, hunter green, royal blue, gray, white, real red, deep green, black, clear pens

  • Blister card glaze 3dimensional glossy ink pen set. This 3dimensional ink leaves a distinct impression. The finished look is a raised, line for a remarkable style feature that you can feel. Elevate the status of handwritten lettering on diy paper craft projects. Selected surfaces for eyecatching results are nonporous surfaces such as plastics, coated papers, acetate, vellums and glass. Light catches color when it is used on translucent and transparent surfaces. Layering color elements and texture for shine and depth is easy. Glaze 3dimensional ink resists water and can achieve the look of batik. Rubber stamp and paper craft projects benefit with accents of color and texture. Applicable for ceramic and glass accents, rubberstamping flourishes, sticker embellishments, wedding invitations, card making and bookmark texture, write or draw on most cds, batik effects and anywhere 3dimensional texture is desired. Technical qualities are transparent pigmented ink 0.8mm ball producing a 0.70mm bold line width, water resistant, dries to a glossy glaze look, performs best on nonporous matte surfaces, 45 to 60 second drying time, does not bleedthrough most papers and vellum, meets astm and acmi nontoxicity standards, not recommended for use on fabrics intended to be washed, on food service or ceramics that are washed, and not evaluated for cosmetic use on skin. Set consist of 1 each sepia, turquoise, hunter green, royal blue, gray, white, real red, deep green, black, clear pens.

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