Rit Dye Liquid Fabric Dye, 8-Ounce,Cocoa Brown

Rit Dye
In Stock


Brand Rit Dye
Model 88200
Color Cocoa Brown

  • Many Uses: For 100 years, customers have relied on Rit to rejuvenate old garments, change the color of their clothing and accessories, coordinate home decor, hide laundry accidents and more
  • Custom Colors: Mix dyes to create more than 500 additional colors. Color recipes avaialble on the Rit website
  • Ignite Your Creative Spirit: Create something custom and unique with an ombre, dip-dyed, shibori or tie-dye pattern
  • What Will Rit Dye: Cotton, linen, silk, wool, ramie, rayon, nylon, wood, paper, cork, some plastic and fabric blends that do not contain more than 35% polyester. Does not dye 100% polyester, acetate or acrylic. Instead, use Rit DyeMore for Synthetic Fibers.
  • How to Dye: Use Rit with a washing machine, plastic bucket, stainless steel sink or pot

  • For over a century Rit Dye's rainbow of colors have enhanced and revitalized fashions, home décor, crafts, and numerous DIY projects around the house. There isn't a smarter way to update your wardrobe with color, add new life to home decorating fabrics, wood, wicker and more. Rit liquid dye utilizes the latest dye technology and ingredients to dye the broadest range of fabrics and materials. Works best on natural fibers, synthetics, polyester and acrylic blends.

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