Regalo Hide Away Bed Rail

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Brand Regalo
Model 4010 HD-N
Color White

  • Easy to use, HideAway design; Rail tucks under the mattress and out of the way when not in use
  • Patented Gap Guard prevents gaps between rail and mattress
  • Dimensions: 43" Lx 20" H
  • Attaches to thick mattresses; For use with mattress and box spring
  • No tools required for assembly; Rail cover is machine washable
  • Recommended for use on a twin to queen size mattress; Not for a crib, toddler bed, bunk bed or platform bed

  • Mom and Dad can now enjoy a worry free sleep, knowing that her little one is enjoying a safe slumber! Our Hideaway Standard Portable Bed Rail provides all the protection necessary to keep your child secure plus the benefit of our new Hideaway feature! New hideaway technology allows the bed rail to lay flat and be tucked under the mattress, so that it's up when you need it and out of sight when you don't! Best of all it doesn't get in the way of making the bed or changing the sheets! The exclusive Gap Guard feature assures a perfect fit for your mattress. Carry case included.

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