Rada Cutlery Curved Blade Paring Knife – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 6-1/8 Inch

Rada Cutlery
In Stock


Brand Rada Cutlery
Model R100
Color Silver Handle

  • SMALL PARING KNIFE - The perfect knife for those intricate kitchen tasks.The Granny Paring knife's curved blade works great for peeling and cutting potatoes, apples and other fruits.The blade measures 2-3/8 inches and has an overall length of 6-1/8 inches.
  • STAINLESS STEEL BLADE - The granny paring knife features a surgical grade, T420 high carbon stainless steel curved blade.It is hand sharpened creating a razor sharp edge.The hollow ground blade ensures a precision concave surface for maximum edge retention.
  • BRUSHED ALUMINUM HANDLE - The permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handle on the curved blade paring knife is designed to be not only visually appealing, but for performance too.This knife has to be hand-washed.It cannot be washed or dried in the dishwasher.
  • AMERICAN MADE CUTLERY - Rada Mfg. Co. is located in Waverly, Iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the USA since 1948.Our mission is all about "providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar."
  • HASSLE-FREE LIFETIME GUARANTEE - We stand by our craftsmanship.Rada Mfg. Co. will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.

  • The Rada Cutlery R100 Granny Paring Knife will be one of the most utilized knives you have in your repertoire. The curved blade makes it easy to peel and core tomatoes, dice up fruits, devein shrimp, remove the skin from potatoes and much more. It is the perfect knife for so many intricate kitchen tasks. The blade measures 2-3/8 inches and has an overall length of 6-1/8 inches. It features a surgical grade, T420 high carbon stainless steel curved blade that is hand sharpened creating a razor sharp edge. The hollow ground blade ensures a precision concave surface for maximum edge retention. The permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handle on the granny paring knife is designed to be not only visually appealing, but for performance too. There is also a finger guard for maximum protection while cutting. This knife has to be hand-washed. It cannot be washed or dried in the dishwasher. Rada Mfg. Co. is located in Waverly, Iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the USA since 1948. Our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar.” We stand by our craftsmanship. Rada Mfg. Co. will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.

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