PureGuardian 10L Output per Day Ultrasonic Warm and Cool Mist Humidifier, Large Room, Home, Office, Easy Quiet Operation, Digital Display, Auto Humidistat, Timer, Auto Shut-Off, Pure Guardian H7550

Guardian Technologies
In Stock


Brand Guardian Technologies
Model H7550
Color Crystal White

  • Treated with SilverClean Technology to fight the growth of slimy mold and mildew on the surface of the water tank- a common problem with traditional humidifiers
  • Thanks to ultrasonic technology it's ultra-quiet when it runs making it ideal to have on while you sleep
  • A SmartMist sensor monitors the humidity in the room and automatically adjusts output to maintain desired humidity level
  • No evaporating pads, filters or wicks to clean or replace means there are no added costs
  • Enjoy your choice of warm or cool mist and variable spray control works in large or small rooms

  • The Smart Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier monitors the humidity in your room and adjusts itself to maintain a consistent level. It features warm or cool mist, ultra-quiet operation, low water indicator, programmable timer, soft-glow nightlight, digital controls and SilverClean Protection that fights the growth of mold and mildew on the surface of the water tank. A large 1.32 gallon tank keeps the Smart Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier running up to 90 hours on low setting. It's suitable for large and small rooms, and does not require any filters.

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