Honeywell Top Fill Tower Humidifier with Digital Humidistat, Black

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Brand Honeywell
Model HEV620B
Color Black

  • The Honeywell Top Fill Tower Humidifier provides filtered invisible moisture to relieve dry air discomforts in large rooms
  • Removable top fill tank is easy to fill at the sink or directly at the tank with a pitcher of water
  • Space saving slim tower design is optimized for high moisture output
  • Digital humidistat displays current and set humidity levels so that you can set the humidity to your personal preference
  • Choose between timed shut off options or allow the humidifier to run for up to 24 hours and automatically shut off when it runs out of water

  • The Honeywell Cool Moisture Tower Humidifier offers filtered invisible moisture in a space-saving tower design. This advanced humidifier has a removable top-fill tank that is easy to fill at the sink or with a pitcher. Designed for large rooms, the air humidifier has a programmable digital humidistat and timer that allow you to customize your comfort. The humidifier will cycle on and off to maintain the humidity level you set, and it will turn off after a programmed amount of time or when the tank is empty. The cool mist humidifier includes a wicking filter that removes minerals from water, reducing white dust and providing clean moisture output. A refill light signals when the tank is empty, and a filter check light reminds you to check the filter. To ensure optimal performance, use only genuine Honeywell Replacement Wicking Filter Model HFT600 (Filter T), which inhibits up to 99.99 percent of mold growth on the filter.

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