Blue Pure 211 Air Purifier 3 Stage with Two Washable Pre-Filters, Particle, Carbon Filter, Captures Allergens, Odors, Smoke, Mold, Dust, Germs, Pets, Smokers, Large Room

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Brand Blueair
Model 211PACF100711
Color White/Diva Blue/Dark Shadow
Size Large Rooms

  • 3-Part filtration system captures 99% of common airborne pm 2.5 pollutants such as allergens, odors, smoke, mold spores, dust mites and pet dander
  • Activated carbon filter removes common odors caused by smoking, pets, cooking, dorm room smells and gases (VOCs)
  • Washable pre-filter captures large particles such as dust and pet hair and can be changed to match any décor. Dark blue and grey pre-filters are included and other colors can be purchased separately
  • Quiet operation enabled by advanced filters that allow for a higher air flow at a lower noise level
  • Designed for medium to large rooms between 400 and 600 sq. ft. (AHAM rated at 540 sq. ft.),  this purifier is  ideal for large bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms and offices
  • Energy star rated for best in class energy performance. All filters are recyclable and suggested to be replaced every 6 months depending on use

  • Breathe and sleep easier thanks to Blue Pure 211 air purifier. With a simple, user-friendly one-button control you can easily select from 3 different fan speeds all of which help to remove allergy causing pollutants and odors. The three-stage filtration process starts with a colorful, washable pre-filter which captures larger particles like dust and pet hair. The air then passes through both a particle and activated carbon filter which catches virtually every airborne contaminant down to a virus in size: pollen, dust, pet dander, mold spores, smoke, allergens and bacteria. Get rid of everyday smells such as food and pet odors naturally without harsh chemicals that mask odors. Filtering air from all sides, millions of ultra-thin fibers of different layers make it less dense than ordinary filters resulting in less clogging, higher airflow and lower noise. In fact, on the lowest setting, the 211 is described as whisper-silent. This purifier is designed to fit into any room in your house with 2 different pre-filter colors included, blue and dark grey, and many other colors available to purchase separately. With certified results through independent testing from the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), the Blue Pure 211 has a clean air delivery rate of 350 cubic feet/minute meaning it will clean the air in a 161 sq. Ft. Room 5 times an hour.

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