Progressive Prep Works - Berry Colander (Red or Purple, Selected at Random)

Prepworks from Progressive
In Stock


Brand Prepworks from Progressive
Model PG-CC-7CDP
Color Red, Purple
Size 1 colander (random color - red or purple).

  • Collapsible berry colander.
  • Assorted colors.
  • 1 colander, red or purple at random.
  • Collapses flat for compact storage & cleaning.

  • This great collapsible small berry colander will prove to be one of the best kitchen utensils you've ever purchased. When opened, the colander measures approximately 8 1/4 inches long, 5 inches wide and 3 inches deep -- with a capacity of 3 cups. It sits easily in any sink and then collapses to a little less than an inch. Slips quickly into a space as small as a drawer and is ready for quick use. We tried the trial version and would not give our unit to anyone!! We just loved this product. Great value packed gift for the kitchen dweller! Perfect for bars too!

    Custom Tab 01

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