Presto 07071 Electric Tilt-N-fold Griddle, 15", Black

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Brand Presto
Model 7071
Color Black
Size 15"

  • Great for every meal: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Easily adjusts from a level cooking surface for eggs and pancakes to a tilted surface for meats
  • Legs fold in and drip tray locks in place for easy, compact storage. Heavy cast aluminum base with large 184-square-inch cooking surface
  • Premium nonstick surface ensures stick-free cooking and easy cleaning. Control Master heat control automatically maintains the desired cooking temperature
  • Slide-out drip tray empties easily. Easy to clean. Fully immersible with the heat control removed
  • Tilt to drain. Flip down the levers to tilt the grilling surface when cooking meats. Fold to store. Fits in most standard 18-inch kitchen cabinets

  • Great for every meal: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Easily adjusts from a level cooking surface for eggs and pancakes to a tilted surface for meats. Legs fold in and drip tray locks in place for easy, compact storage. Heavy cast aluminum base with large 184-square-inch cooking surface. Premium nonstick surface ensures stick-free cooking and easy cleaning. Control Master heat control automatically maintains the desired cooking temperature. Slide-out drip tray empties easily. Easy to clean. Fully immersible with the heat control removed. Tilt to drain. Flip down the levers to tilt the grilling surface when cooking meats. Fold to store. Fits in most standard 18-inch kitchen cabinets. 120 volts AC, 1200 watts.

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