Prestige Deluxe Stainless Steel Deep Pressure Pan 5 liters

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Brand Prestige
Color Silver
Size 5L Deep Pressure Pan

  • Cooks three to ten times faster than ordinary cooking methods! Saves times, energy, and money.
  • Pressure cooking preserves flavors and nutrients, and even tenderizes lean cuts of meat.
  • Pressure regulator maintains the proper cooking pressure automatically.
  • ISI certified - conforms to international quality standards.
  • Uses best quality Stainless Steel with stronger lugs and thick base to give your cooker a safe and long life.

  • The Prestige Pressure Pan is designed to give you more body capacity as compared to normal outer lid pressure cooker. Comes with a first time 2-in-1 safety device called PI (Pressure Indicator) . The device will rise while there is pressure inside the cooker and will come down when there is no pressure thus indicating that it is now safe to open the vessel. It also fuses at high pressure thereby serving the dual purpose of a Metallic Safety Plug. Uses best quality Stainless Steel with stronger lugs and thick base to give your cooker a safe and long life.

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