Panteao Productions: Make Ready with Bill Rogers: Reactive Carbine - PMR027 - Rogers Shooting School - Carbine Shooting - Self Defense - Tactical Training- DVD

Panteao Productions
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Brand Panteao Productions
Model PMR027

  • The program replicates the minimal amount of time a shooter will have to successfully neutralize an adversary
  • We take you to the Rogers Shooting School in Ellijay, GA for a one-on-one private training session Bill is a former FBI Agent and inventor of the first Kydex Holster in 1972 He started the Rogers Holster Company in 1973, purchased by Safariland in 1985
  • Bill developed a training program and a high speed moving target system The program replicates the minimal amount of time a shooter will have to successfully neutralize an adversary
  • Reactive Carbine takes you through carbine setup, proper stance and grip, engaging multiple targets, moving, transitioning to a pistol, how to zero your carbine, shooting steel and alternative targets, shooting from different positions, and much more
  • In-Brief by Bill Rogers covering his training program and 7" by 14" mini poster included

  • Reactive Carbine takes you through carbine setup, proper stance and grip, engaging multiple targets, moving, transitioning to a pistol, how to zero your carbine, shooting steel and alternative targets, shooting from different positions, and much more.

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