OXO Good Grips GreenSaver Mounted Crisper Drawer Insert with Suction Cups (2 Pack)

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Brand OXO
Model 11146100
Color White
Size 2-Pack

  • This is a Pack of 2
  • GreenSaver Crisper inserts are designed to keep your produce fresher for longer by slowing down the aging process
  • Easy to use - just mount to your crisper drawer
  • The enhanced carbon filter absorbs ethylene gas, which causes produce to rot
  • Design promotes proper airflow for maximum absorption in crisper
  • BPA-free
  • Comes with one refillable enhanced carbon filter that lasts up to 90 days. Refills sold separately.
  • The OXO Better Guarantee: If you experience an issue with your OXO product, get in touch with us for a repair or replacement. We're grateful for the opportunity to learn from your experience, and we'll make it better.

  • Waste less and save more with OXO GreenSaver. GreenSaver Crisper Inserts feature enhanced carbon filters filled with nooks and crannies that trap and absorb ethylene gas, slowing down spoilage and keeping fruits and vegetables fresh longer. The Crisper Insert can be easily mounted to the wall of your crisper to keep it above produce in a crowded drawer and has an open-vent design to ensure maximum airflow and absorption of ethylene gas.

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