Oster JusSimple 2-Speed Easy Clean Juice Extractor with Extra-Wide Feed Chute, FPSTJE9010-000, 900W, Black/Silver

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Brand Oster
Model FPSTJE9010-000
Color Black/Silver

  • 900 watts of juicing power
  • Easy clean Rinse 'n Ready filter
  • 2 speed settings to easily juice a variety of fruit and vegetables
  • Extra-wide feed chute fits whole fruits and vegetables
  • Extra-large capacity pulp collector

  • Easy does it with the Oster JsSimple Juicer that's easy to use and easy to clean. You can squeeze more nutrients, antioxidants and immune boosters into your glass and more time into your day. This juicer uses 900 watts of power and 2 speed settings to extract the most of soft and hard fruits and vegetables in no time. It's also designed with a wide chute so even large-sized fruits and vegetables can be easily juiced. You can customize your juice mixes with all the ingredients you want and enjoy. After you're done, clean up goes quickly too. The convenient Rinse 'n Ready filter has a special mesh coating that cuts cleaning time down with less scrubbing. Start juicing with the Oster JsSimple Juicer and discover how easy, and delicious, it can be to enjoy a healthier diet and lifestyle.

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