Oster BLSTDG-B Designer Series 7-Cup Glass Jar 6-Speed Blender, Black with Stainless Steel Accents

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Brand Oster
Model BLSTDG-B00-000
Color Black
Size 7 Cup

  • Electronic pre-programmed settings for consistent results and convenient one-touch operation
  • Lid with snap-open spout for easy serving and no mess
  • Dimensions: 15" x 8.9" x 9.6", Cord length:16"
  • Oster All Metal Drive for lasting durability
  • 6 cup dishwasher safe and scratch resistant glass jar is thermal shock tested to withstand extreme temperature
  • 700 power watts/450 blending watts
  • PreProgrammed Smart Settings Technology takes the guesswork out of blending with easy, one-touch controls for expert results
  • Crush Pro 4 Blade uses stainless steel, 4-point design to pulverize and chop with precision
  • All Metal Drive is extra durable for ametal-to-metal connection
  • 6 Speeds from PULSE to PUREE
  • 7-Cup Boroclass Glass Jar is dishwasher safe for easy clean up
  • Snap-close, easy pour spout on lid for easy serving

  • Versatile blender for chopping, grinding, blending, pureeing, ice-crushing, and more. view largerStainless-steel blade chops and grinds. view largerAll-metal drive system ensures long-lasting, reliable performance. view larger7-cup dishwasher-safe Boroclass glass jar can handle extreme temperature changes. view largerLid with snap-open spout for mess-free pouring. view larger Soft-touch electronic control pad with 6 speed settings, including "pulse", "ice crush", and "drinks". view largerOval-shaped blending jar conveniently fits in refrigerator door. view larger

    Oster BLSTDG-B Pre-Programmed Blender with 7-Cup Glass Jar

    Attractively housed in black with sleek stainless-steel accents, this BLSTDG blender by Oster makes a useful addition to any kitchen, whether blending up a protein shake or fruit smoothie for breakfast or trying your hand at creamy dips and other hors d'oeuvres for a Friday night soiree.

    Heavy-Duty 450-Watt Motor

    Thanks to its powerful 450-watt motor, the BLSTDG blender can take on a variety of everyday tasks. Put it to use when making red pepper hummus, a toasted walnut spread, or creamy potato soup--or to prepare toppings for a homemade pizza, like chopped onions, green peppers, and other favorites. Of course it also blends strawberry smoothies and chocolate milk shakes to utterly decadent perfection.

    Stainless-Steel Ice-Crushing Blade

    Transform your home into party central. Fitted with a stainless-steel ice-crushing blade, the powerful blender transforms ice cubes into crushed ice in seconds. Thoroughly crushed ice with no large chunks means smooth, delicious frosty drinks are a snap to make, any time. From margarita Mondays to Friday night daiquiris--a festive frozen drink can set the tone to any successful soiree.

    In addition to crushing ice, the versatile blender with its sharp stainless-steel blade also functions as a grinder. Use it to grind peanuts, pecans, almonds, and other hard nuts--or to grind coffee beans for a rich, flavorful brew.

    All-Metal Drive System for Lasting Durability

    Made in North America, the Oster BLSTDG blender provides the superior quality of an all-metal drive system. The system's two connecting pieces are made of durable metal (instead of plastic), which means reliable, long-lasting, high-quality performance from one party to the next, year after year.

    Soft-Touch Electronic Control Pad with 6 Speed Settings

    The blender's easy-to-clean soft-touch electronic control pad comes with pre-programmed settings for consistent results and simple one-touch operation. Choose from six speed settings: low, medium, high, pulse, ice crush, or drinks. The "pulse" setting allows for precise blending; the pre-programmed "ice crush" setting pulses on high for 30 seconds then shuts of automatically; and the pre-programmed "frozen drinks" setting runs on high for 45 seconds then shuts of automatically.

    7-Cup Boroclass Glass Jar

    Uniquely designed, the included 7-cup glass blending jar comes fitted with an easy-pour lid with a snap-open spout--simply lift the spout cover to pour; there's no need to remove the entire lid. For added convenience, the jar's oval shape allows it to fit neatly in the refrigerator door--great for keeping mixed drinks cold during a party.

    The blending jar is both dishwasher-safe and scratch-resistant, and it's made of Boroclass--a glass that's been thermal-shock tested to withstand extreme temperature changes, which means the jar can be pulled from a steamy hot dishwasher and safely used to blend up a frosty cold beverage seconds later. Other highlights include a generous side handle, a drip-free pouring spout, and measuring marks up the side.

    Engineered to impress, the BLSTDG blender beautifully merges savvy innovation with user-friendly simplicity. You'll be in awe of what you can create.

    What's in the Box

    Oster BLSTDG blender, 7-cup glass jar with lid, user manual

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.