OFM Essentials Leather Executive Computer/Office Chair with Arms - Ergonomic Swivel Chair (ESS-6020)

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Brand OFM
Model ESS-6020
Color Black

  • EXECUTIVE SWIVEL CHAIR: The smooth, pliable SofThread Leather seating surface with tailored stitching detail gives an upscale, luxurious feel at a compelling price
  • COMFORTABLE STYLE: Segmented padded back and seat with ultra plush cushioning give this home office chair unparalleled support and comfort with an upscale look
  • WORK CHAIR WITH EXTRA FEATURES: Integrated headrest for exceptional upper body support
  • ERGONOMIC POSTURE SUPPORT: Fully adjustable seat height and seat back recline match your comfort and work preferences
  • DURABLE OFFICE FURNITURE: This heavy duty chair has a 250 pound weight capacity for long-lasting use
  • WARRANTY & SUPPORT: Relax knowing this computer chair is backed by the Essentials by OFM limited warranty

  • The Essentials by OFM seating collection is where quality meets value. The ESS-6020 office chair features luxurious SofThread leather for an upscale look and feel, making it a smart and stylish solution for any application. The back and seat are designed with segmented padding providing total body support, and the back also features recessed lumbar cradling for exceptional comfort. The chair offers simple and intuitive controls such as pneumatic seat height adjustment, 360 degree swivel, tilt tension and tilt lock for added customizability and comfort. The padded fixed loop arms provide additional support. The comfort, stylish look, and price point of this chair make it a perfect addition to the office, whether at work or at home. This chair meets or exceeds industry standards for safety and durability, and is backed by our Essentials by OFM limited warranty.

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