Nouvelle Legende Flame Resistant Oven Glove Commercial Grade

Nouvelle Legende
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  • Same material used by fire fighters
  • Maintains integrity and strength at high temperatures
  • Ambidextrous, fits right or left hand
  • Soft and pliable for easy grasp
  • Thermal regulating

  • This flame resistant oven glove is flexible, provides all fingers with grip, and can withstand extreme heat, even the occasional flame. It is great for indoor/outdoor use, for the oven, grill, stove top or barbecue. It is a perfect hot surface handler but can also protect from accidental cuts. Made of Aramid on the exterior and a double knit cotton on the interior. This glove is extra long to protect your wrist. Do not use wet as water would transmit heat to the inside of the glove. Aramid is a man made textile with amazing heat protection characteristics. It is used by race car drivers, astronauts, fire fighters as well as jet fighter pilots whose survival depends not only on skills, but also proper equipment. Although Aramid could burn when a flame is held up to it, the glove will stop burning as soon as the heat source is removed, which illustrate its flame resistant properties. Aramid arranged in a thick woven structure is also a poor conductor of heat, which makes it safe oven glove material. The glove is machine washable, dry flat, do not bleach. Included in the package is one glove, so make sure to order two should a pair better suit your needs!
    Brand: Nouvelle Legende, Model: FBA_NL-OM-1, Color: Beige

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