Nesco VS-04R Replacement Roll Bags, 11.0-Inch by 19.69-Feet, 2 Pack

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Brand Nesco
Model VS-04R
Color Clear
Size 11.0" x 19.69

  • Reduce food spoilage
  • Prevent freezer burn
  • Safe to microwave, boil and freeze
  • Size to fit your needs
  • Bags are BPA-free

  • The Nesco VS-04R Replacement Roll Bags, 2-Pack, can be sized according to your needs and are BPA-free and safe to microwave, boil and freeze. You can even put them in the dishwasher and re-use. Traditional storage methods can allow food containments to seep in. Oxygen-fed mold and bacteria can cause food spoilage, moisture leads to freezer burn and penetrating odors compromise flavors. Vacuum sealing extracts the air and provides a moisture barrier so your food will stay fresh and last longer. Our patented bagging material is specially designed to lock in freshness and flavor by keeping air, moisture and odors out. The multi-layer construction is tear-resistant and features cross-venting channels on both sides to allow for maximum air extraction. Dimensions: 11.0" X 19.69'.

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