Natural Home Moboo Ribbed Measuring Spoons

Natural Home
In Stock


Brand Natural Home
Model 5542
Color Multicolor
Size 1-Pack

  • Moboo (molded bamboo) is produced with rice starch and an all-natural, plant-based binder
  • Bamboo inhibits germs and bacteria
  • Bamboo's density makes it naturally water-resistant
  • Dishwasher safe: top rack only
  • Sizes: 1 Tablespoon, 1 Teaspoon, 1/2 Teaspoon, 1/4 Teaspoon

  • It's easier than ever to live the lifestyle you read about in Natural Home with our new line of products that blends sophistication with sustainability. Designed for homeowners with respect for both craftsmanship and the environment, our responsibly manufactured Natural Home products are the perfect complement to any home. Using eco-friendly products isn't just about feeling better about the environment. It's also about creating a healthy lifestyle for your family. All products in the Natural Home line are manufactured to the exact standards we expect and present to you issue after issue, so you can use them with confidence. Tough, durable and lightweight, bamboo is a natural in the kitchen. It's also one of nature's most sustainable resources, reaching maturity in just four years-without pesticides or chemicals. Bamboo's density makes it naturally water-resistant, which inhibits germs and bacteria.

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