Mundial BP1860-SA Cushion Soft Spring Action Dressmakers' Shears 8-1/2"-

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Brand Mundial
Model BP1860-SA
Color Multi-Color

  • Ergonomic, ambidextrous shears
  • Stainless steel blade with spring action
  • Dressmaker Shears are excellent for any sewing or crafting project
  • Cushion grip with enlarged finger bows and cushioned inserts are soft to the touch
  • Lifetime Guarantee

  • Mundial develops and manufactures over 95% of its own products including fully forged and stamped cutlery, sewing and craft scissors, manicure implements, metal fasteners and motors. The group and the Mundial trademark were established in Germany in 1931 by Paul Zivi. This noted metallurgist, along with his team of skilled engineers and designers, developed the most sophisticated techniques for designing and manufacturing high quality cutlery. This allegiance to quality has been maintained throughout the years for all of Mundial's products. Today, every Mundial product is produced under a rigorous quality control program that spans the entire manufacturing process from the development of the steel to the final polishing of the blade. Upon completion, every Mundial product is individually tested to ensure sharpness, precision and durability. As proof of its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Mundial stands behind its products, backing every one with a full Lifetime Guarantee against defects in materials, construction and workmanship. Mundial Inc. is currently among the leading North American brands of cutlery and kitchen accessories sold to the restaurant and institutional markets. It is also a leader in the retail and industrial scissors/shears Mundial products are squarely positioned as high quality and upscale, but with a distinct value advantage. Mundial can position its top quality products at extremely affordable retail prices. Mundial combines Old World craftsmanship with modern technology to produce a broad selection of products unmatched in the world for strength, durability, beauty, comfort and value.

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