Mrs. Anderson's Baking Pie Crust Protector Shield, Fits 9.5-Inch and 10-Inch Pie Plates, Set of 2

Mrs. Anderson's Baking
Out Of Stock


Brand Mrs. Anderson's Baking
Model 109/2
Color Silver
Size 11.5" Dia x 0.5" H

  • Mrs. Anderson's pie crust shield allows Pies to rise, reduces spillage, and prevents pie crusts from burning or over browning
  • Made from aluminum; strong and durable; Fits 9.5-Inch and 10-inch pie plates
  • Easily bake frozen and homemade Pies without burnt crusts; great for blind baking empty pie crusts, too
  • Easy to use and stays in place; more convenient and economical than Wadding up aluminum foil
  • Fits baking dishes with fluted edges and carrying handles; dishwasher safe for easy cleanup

  • Mrs. Anderson's pie crust shield prevents pie crusts from burning and over browning. No more burnt edges. It allows pies to rise in the center and reduces spillage from the edges. Neater and more convenient and economical than Wadding up aluminum foil, it makes perfectly baked pies with golden-brown crusts easier. It fits 9.5-Inch and 10-inch pies perfectly, and works equally well for baking pans and pie dishes with fluted edges and carrying handles. Whether learning how to make pie or perfecting a pie crust from scratch, it's the ultimate pie crust protector, a baking accessories hero, saving innocent pies every day. Perfect for frozen and homemade pies, or, blind baking empty pie crusts to be filled for classics like coconut cream pie, lemon meringue pie and chocolate pie. Simply place Mrs. Anderson's pie crust shield over the pie crust and place the pie in the oven and bake. It stays in place during the baking process until the pie is done. Made from aluminum to be strong and durable. Dishwasher safe for easy cleanup. Brought to you by HIC Harold Import Co.

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