Mrs. Anderson's Baking 32001 Non-Stick Parchment Paper, Professional Quality, 25-Square-Feet, 15-Inches x 20-Feet

Mrs. Anderson's Baking
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Brand Mrs. Anderson's Baking
Model 32001
Color Opaque
Size 15-inch by 20-feet

  • Mrs. Anderson's Baking Professional-Quality Parchment Paper keep foods from sticking without greasing baking pans or the use of oils
  • Made from all-natural paper; safe for freezer, microwave, and oven use (to 400-degrees Fahrenheit); 25-square-feet (15-inches x 20-feet)
  • Naturally non-stick surface for quick release of foods; no greasing or oils necessary; chlorine free, waterproof, and greaseproof
  • Roll out dough, bake pastries, breads, fish and fries, line cookie sheets and pizza stones, wrap cooked foods for reheating, and more
  • Single use; disposable for easy cleanup; paper naturally darkens at higher temperatures; not intended for broiler use; recyclable; biodegradable

  • Mrs. Anderson's Baking Professional-Quality Parchment Paper keeps foods from sticking without greasing baking pans or the use of oils. A must-have of baking accessories for cake making and bread making, plus cooking savory dishes, too! Made from all-natural paper that's safe for freezer, microwave, and oven use (to 400-degrees Fahrenheit). Roll yields 25-square-feet (15-inches x 20-feet). The naturally non-stick surface allows for quick release of foods without any greasing or oils necessary. Paper is chlorine free, non-stick, waterproof, and greaseproof. Perfect for rolling out dough, baking pastries, breads, fish and fries, lining cookie sheets and pizza stones, wrapping cooked foods for reheating, separating meat patties or chicken cutlets to freeze, and more. Converts any baking tray to nonstick bakeware. Simply line with the parchment paper and place items to be baked, or frozen on top. Made from all-natural paper. Naturally non-stick, single use and disposable for easy cleanup. Not intended for use with direct flame. Do not use for broiling or grilling. Paper is recyclable and biodegradable. Brought to you by HIC Harold Import Co.

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