Mondi MONDIE100 Mini Greenhouse Thermo-Hygrometer

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  • Displays current temperature and humidity as well as min/max temperature and humidity history
  • Celsius and Fahrenheit
  • Made from premium Japanese components and technology

  • Mondi Products is bringing propagation to a whole new level with the Mini Greenhouse Thermo-Hygrometer. Its revolutionary technology gives you the precise, real-time information that is essential during propagation, meaning it's never been easier and more enjoyable to propagate a wide variety of plants. Besides its many uses in the horticultural industry, the Mondi Mini Greenhouse Thermo-Hygrometer has a wide range of applications, such as pet care and monitoring reptile and amphibian habitats. Ensure the perfect temperature and humidity for plants through all growing stages with the Mondi Mini Greenhouse Thermo-Hygrometer. The thermo-hygrometer measures minimum and maximum temperature and humidity and stores a history of readings. This device can be used with mini greenhouses and garden rooms, but it's also convenient for non-horticultural uses. Measures temperature between 15.8 and 122°F and humidity between 25 and 98 percent RH. Dimensions are 5.1"x1.1". Includes drill piece and placement sticker for easy mounting and one L1154H battery.
    Brand: Mondi, Model: MONDIE100, Color: black

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