Mikasa Parchment Tea Cup Saucer, 6.5-Inch

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Brand Mikasa
Model L3438-205
Color White

  • Parchment dinnerware collection features a gentle gray border embellished with a beautifully detailed scroll design.
  • The saucer protects your table from a teaspoon, as well as hold those tasty treats you like to enjoy with your coffee or tea
  • Crafted of quality porcelain
  • This sea saucer measures 6-1/2 inch diameter
  • Dishwasher safe but not microwave safe

  • Parchment dinnerware collection features a gentle gray border embellished with a beautifully detailed scroll design. This chic and elegant collection is accented by inner and outer borders of platinum. Crafted of porcelain. Dishwasher safe but not microwave safe. When washing gold or platinum banded dinnerware in the dishwasher, use a gentle cycle and turn off the dishwasher before the drying cycle, or allow the dinnerware to cool before handling it. The high temperature of the heated drying cycle can cause the precious metal bands to soften. This tea saucer measures 6-1/2 inch diameter.

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