Melitta Coffee Maker, 6 Cup Pour-Over Brewer with Glass Carafe, 1-Count

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Brand Melitta
Model 640446
Color Glass Carafe
Size Pack of 1

  • Includes plastic BPA Free cone drip brewer - six-cup capacity glass carafe - coffee scoop and 5 filters
  • Coffee aficionados agree that pour-over brewing makes the best coffee
  • Brew coffee at the perfect temperature and regulate the flow of water with optimal turbulence of coffee grounds for ideal coffee extraction
  • Pour-over brewing was invented by Melitta Bentz in 1908
  • Uses Number 4 Size Melitta cone shaped filters

  • Instructions for brewing : 1. Fold the seams of the Melitta filter and place in Melitta cone pour-over brewer. Place pour-over on top of carafe 2. Scoop in finely ground coffee. The fresher the coffee the better 3. Start with fresh, cool water. Heat the water to just below a boil 4. Pour the water in a swirling motion to fully saturate the grounds and create agitation for optimal extraction. The slower the water is poured, the bolder and more developed the cup will be

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