M & M Sales Enterprises Web Riderz Outdoor Swing N' Spin- Safety rated to 600 lb, 39 inch diameter, Adjustable hanging ropes, Ready to hang and enjoy as a family

M & M Sales Enterprises
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  • 2018 Web Riderz enhanced with Rhinoarmour ultimate corrosion protection layer to steel platform ring boosts durability and play life of swing
  • Sturdy design. Weight rated to 600 lbs for swing and spin motion. Outdoor tree swing or playground fun for kids, teens, and adults
  • Large 39"steel frame with tight weave rope platform seat and two 4" monster spring clips for easy install

  • Soar, swing n' spin on M&M's large 39" web rope swing with a taut woven platform big enough for multiple kids to share. Ages 5-99, children, teens, and adults can nest on our unrivaled sturdy construction of outdoor UV-resistant polyethylene rope and Rhinoarmour superior corrosion protected galvanized steel tube frame. Safety rated to 600 lbs. Fully-assembled with adjustable hanging ropes and two 4" monster steel spring clips make this swing ready to hang from your favorite tree or play system.  Hang from a two points for your traditional back-and-forth swing or from a single point to spin merry-go-round style. We all know the benefits of being outdoors and then add the therapeutic benefits of swinging; sensory integration, exercise, body awareness and balance skills are snuck into the fun.
    Brand: M & M Sales Enterprises, Model: MM00124, Color: Black

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