LG 26 In. Wall Sleeve for Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners - AXSVA1

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Brand LG
Model AXSVA1
Color White

  • 26-inch wall sleeve to be used with through-the-wall air conditioners
  • Install wall sleeve in pre-cast concrete or masonary walls - wall sleeve to be securely fastened to wall opening before installing air conditioner as it helps bear the weight of the air conditioner
  • Wall sleeve helps insulate the air conditioner and protects it from dust, bugs and other debris that could get sucked into it
  • All metal construction withstands inclement weather, corrosion and other elements
  • Optional stamped aluminum grille (AXRGALA01) sold separately

  • The LG AXSVA1 26 In. Wall Sleeve for Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners should be securely fastened within a wall opening before installing the air conditioner. The sleeve helps bear the weight of the air conditioner while keeping it insulated and safe from dust, bugs and other debris that could get sucked into it. Inclement weather, corrosion, and any other elements cannot match the protective power of this metal sleeve. The sleeve features an aluminum-colored finish and has the option of a stamped aluminum grille that is sold separately.

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