Kitchen Innovations Garlic-A-Peel Garlic Press, Crusher, Mincer, and Storage Container - Includes Silicone Garlic Peeler - Easy to Clean - Stainless Steel Blades – Green

Kitchen Innovations
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Brand Kitchen Innovations

  • Peel, slice, dice and grate garlic with this innovative garlic tool with silicone peeler and 2 interchangeable blades; Dicing blade creates cube shaped garlic and slicing blade creates longer and thinner garlic; Clear container contains raised teeth for creating the perfect garlic paste
  • Leaves no odour on hands; Use the silicone peeler to peel garlic, then simply add garlic in between the top and selected blade, then push down; Clear container catches crushed garlic and allows for easy transfer directly to any dish or recipe
  • Smart cleaning blade on the top lid is easily removed for hand held cleaning; All components are dishwasher safe
  • Extra blade snaps into the bottom compartment next to the silicone peeler for convenient storage
  • Quality construction that is built to last; Sharpened solid stainless steel cutting blades and BPA-free high-quality plastic parts

  • The Kitchen Innovations Garlic-A-Peel tool makes it fast and easy to peel, slice, dice or grate garlic without leaving an odour on your hands. Simply peel garlic using the rolling silicone peeler, add garlic to the top of the tool and press through one of the 2 two interchangeable sharpened stainless steel blades, into the storage container. Or, use the micro grating surface on the bottom of the clear container to create a garlic paste. There is a removable grid for easy cleaning by hand or in the dishwasher. Snap the extra blade into the bottom of the unit next to the silicone peeler for convenient storage.

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