King Kooker KK100 100-quart Aluminum Boiling Pot

King Kooker
In Stock


Brand King Kooker
Model KK 100
Color Silver
Size 100 Quart

  • Aluminum boiling pot for outdoor deep-frying, steaming, and boiling
  • Includes 100-quart pot, lid, punched aluminum basket
  • Heavy duty aluminum construction for optimal durability over open flame
  • Punched aluminum basket for steaming and draining
  • Durable side handles for reliable transport

  • Taking the feast outside makes it all more fun and this aluminum boiling pot helps you do that. Perfect for outdoor deep-frying, steaming, and boiling, the pot comes with a sturdy, recessed lid that seals in moisture. A punched aluminum basket makes it easy to steam and transport heaps of food to and from the pot, cooking anything from ears of corn, crab, and more! Heavy duty construction helps the pot stand up to high temperatures with no warping or oxidization for years of reliable boiling and easy cleaning. Steamed or boiled seafood, boiled veggies, savory soups and stews, there's really no limit to the good things you can cook up with this King Kooker. Durable side handles offer solid support when it's time to transport the pot, whether empty or filled to capacity with the gang's favorite outdoor meal.

    Backed by a limited one-year manufacturer warranty, the purchase is as much a cooking school as it is a cooking product. The King Kooker instruction/recipe booklet includes assembly instructions, use and care tips, and applicable tips for deep fried turkey, injecting techniques, as well as recipes that can be used with a King Kooker's wide variety of pots and cook sets, such as preparation steps for boiled, steamed and blackened seafood, Dutch Oven Jambalaya, fried chicken, onion rings, mushrooms, wings, and more.

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