Kate Aspen Measuring Spoons Baby Shower Favor

Kate Aspen
In Stock


Brand Kate Aspen
Model 13028NA
Color Silver
Size 1 - Pack

  • Heart shaped measuring spoons are crafted from stainless steel
  • The four spoons feature "measures of love" on one side with traditional measurements on the other
  • Spoons measure approximately 5" height x 2 1/4" width
  • Gift presentation includes a white box covered with multi colored polka dots , a white organza ribbon and bow
  • Heart shaped measuring spoons are crafted from stainless steel
  • The four spoons feature "measures of love" on one side with traditional measurements on the other: "A P" of patience" = 1/4 teaspoon, "A dash of kindness" = 1/2" teaspoon, "A spoonful of laughter" = one teaspoon, "A heap of love" = one tablespoon
  • Spoons measure approximately 5" height x 2 1/4" width
  • Delightful gift presentation includes a white box covered with multi colored polka dots and circles, a white organza ribbon and bow, and a matching tag with a baby sitting in a spoon and the words"love beyond measure"
  • Gift box measures 5 3/4" height x 2" weight x 1" depth

  • They can't measure a mother's boundless love, but these charming, heart shaped measuring spoons add just the right amount of joy to the sweetest things in life and they're ever so tasteful for thanking baby shower guests who've come to help you celebrate the happy occasion. Measuring spoons help bake the cake and this practical favor takes the cake.

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