Joseph Joseph 92104 Pop Chopping Mats, Set of 3

Joseph Joseph
SKU: MIDB009315426
In Stock


Brand Joseph Joseph
Model 92104
Color Multicolor
Size 0

  • Each board has a double-sided, knife friendly cutting surface and is clearly color coded
  • The hole detail is designed to allow the boards to be joined by simply pushing together and provides an ideal hanging point
  • Its flexibility means that it can be easily bent or folded to direct chopped food into a pan or food waste into a bin
  • Compact design
  • Dishwasher safe

  • This colorful set of chopping mats are ideal for a range of food preparation tasks and conveniently snap together for easy storage. Each board has a double-sided, knife-friendly cutting surface and is clearly color- coded, making it easier to keep specific boards for specific tasks. Their flexibility means that they can be bent to direct chopped food into a pan or food waste into a bin. The hole detail is designed to allow the boards to be joined by simply pushing together and it also provides the ideal hanging point. Dishwasher safe. Please note: The knife-friendly surfaces of these boards are designed to mark slightly during use.

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