John Boos MYSB Mystery Butcher Block Oil, 16 Ounce Bottle

John Boos
In Stock


Brand John Boos
Model MYSB
Color Oil
Size 16 ounces

  • Safe to use to maintain and preserve wood food preparation surfaces including: cutting boards, butcher blocks, counter tops and utensils
  • Made in the USA
  • Large 16 ounce capacity
  • John Boos recommends oiling cutting boards or butcher blocks every 3-4 weeks to prevent wood from drying, splitting or cracking
  • Simple to use: spread evenly over desired surface, wait five minutes, then wipe off excess

  • Keep your wooden cutting boards and butcher blocks in prime condition with John Boos Mystery Oil. Applied every three to four weeks, John Boos Mystery Oil prevents wood from drying, splitting, or cracking. Mystery Oil is safe for food preparation surfaces and can also be used to maintain wood countertops and wooden kitchen tools. To use, squeeze oil onto the board or utensil. Spread evenly over the entire surface with a cloth or paper towel. Allow to rest for five minutes, then wipe off any excess oil. Large 32 ounce capacity is ideal for frequent use and in commercial and restaurant settings.

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