iZipline 95 Feet Zip line Kit with Seat and Bungee Brake,Speed Trolley Pulley with Grip Handle Bar,Zipline kit for Kids and Children Backyard Playground Adventures Blue

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  • SAFETY COMES FIRST: When it comes to kids'outdoor activities and playground equipment, safety means the world to parents,Our product include a bungee cord as a braking system(zip line stop)! These backyard zip lines are crafted with ultra-strong, galvanized steel cable and are highly tested to meet rigid CE and RoHS international testing certifications,meaning it holds up to 250 lbs SAFELY.
  • COMPLETE ZIP LINE SET: Every order comes packed with everything you need to set up, ride and enjoy, including seven unique accessories to improve your ride. You'll get cabling, a seat, trolley, bungee cord, u-clamps and more.
  • TURN YOUR BACKYARD INTO A PLAYGROUND: If you are looking for a way to re-decorate and reconstruct your backyard so as to spend entertaining and intimate moments with your little ones, then this zip line is exactly what you need in order to make your garden seem like a playground. Surprise your child by offering him/her an incredible play set (s)he will remember for a lifetime!
  • INSTALL IT WITHIN MINUTES: If you're not the "I'll assembly it in 2 minutes" person and you're worried about the installation process, then this zip slide is exactly what you need! First of all, the trolley included in the pack is already fully assembled, while the instructions you'll find inside will describe the whole process step-by-step! Be sure that you'll make it in the end- save time and effort now!
  • FBA or DHL/FEDEX/TNT EXPEDITED SHIPPING,WE GUARANTEE YOUR SATISFACTION: We want our clients to be happy, so just in case you feel disappointed with your purchase, we guarantee to give your money back instantly, without hassle. Providing the best quality possible to all of our customers is our primary goal.

  • WHY ZIPLINE-Love Sports, Love Fun and Love Life! Zip Line is one of the fastest growing global activities eco-friendly for kids and adults of all ages. Nowadays, everyone may very busy, but no matter how busy we are, we can't ignore the child's growth. On the weekends, we can play with the children together in our backyard , spend a few hours playing with the zipline. Let's enjoy the kids' exciting laughter and be with them through their happy childhoods. WHY iZipline-iZipline trolley is equipped with a handlebar and dual ball-bearing in each wheels for fast, smooth ride. This is the backyard zipline with an integrated seat that allows kids to swoop through the air while remaining close to the ground. The attached seat reduces stress on arms and allows ziplining at lower heights since riders do not hang as close to the ground. A galvanized steel cable wraps around two trees at an incline and riders zip from one end to the other while holding the pulley with a bungee braking system that slows or stops the zipline-a feature unique to the iZipline's model.it enables riders to swoop up to 90 feet. The steel trolley has sealed ball bearings that provide a safe, fast ride as they glide across the cable and padded handles enable a comfortable grip. The rope length and seat height adjust easily to accommodate zipliners of all heights. Includes mounting hardware and detailed instructions. Supports up to 250 lbs.Ages 8 and up. iZipline Package Contents Steel Trolley with sealed ball bearing pulleys providing smooth and safe operation Main Cable 95 feet(28.96m) Sling Cable 5 foot(1.53m) Turnbuckle 6in(15.24cm) Steel with locking hardware U clamps Seat and Rope Bungee Cord 15'length Instruction book Must follow the instruction book to ensure your safe Why Spend Another Boring Day Indoors, iZipline Set Will Guarantee Hours Of Outdoor Fun!
    Brand: iZipline, Color: Blue

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