ISI Rapid Infusion

iSi North America
In Stock


Brand iSi North America
Model 2722
Color Silver
Size one size

  • Includes red silicone and stainless steel sieve gasket, stainless steel ventilation tube, red silicone tube, and cleaning brush
  • Infuse flavors into your favorite foods
  • Works with iSi Gourmet Whip! cream whipper
  • Dishwasher safe

  • Infuse your favorite foods with rich, bold new flavors with the Rapid Infusion tool kit from iSi. This set enables a liquid to be infused with different flavors in the shortest possible time and includes a red silicone and stainless steel sieve gasket, stainless steel ventilation tube, red silicone tube, and cleaning brush. First, combine aromatic solids like herbs, spices, or fruit and a liquid like alcohol, oil, water, or vinegar in the iSi Whipper. By applying pressure into the iSi Whipper using an iSi cream charger, the flavor of the solid becomes infused into the liquid, which develops a unique taste. The insert-able sieve reduces the ability of solid particles to pass through and enter the head. The sieve is not used to empty the liquid from the bottle; this should be done using the sieve from the iSi funnel & sieve set or any fine mesh sieve.

    Silicone Tube -- 5-1/2" L; Stainless Steel Tube -- 2-3/4" W x 3" H; Sieve Gasket -- 1-3/4" diameter; Cleaning Brush -- 7-3/4" L

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