If You Care Unbleached Large Baking Cups, 60 ct, 3 pk

If You Care
Out Of Stock


Brand If You Care
Color Brown

100% Unbleached. products. Bonus 25% more, 60 cups. No greasing needed; Microwave safe; Will not affect taste of baked goods; Environmentally safe; Reduces the amount of chlorine in our environment; Landfill safe; Non-toxic when incinerated. What's an baking cup It's one made with If You Care premium quality, unbleached, beige greaseproof paper. As no chlorine is used for bleaching, no chlorine is dumped into our lakes and streams. If You Care baking cups won't affect the taste of your muffins, but using them will help reduce the amount of pollution in our environment. Product of Sweden. Features include: Pack of 24 boxes, each containing 60 heavy-duty baking cups (total of 1,440 cups) 2.5-inch-diameter cups permit baking without greasing pan or paper Coated with natural silicone (not chrome-bearing chemical quilon); non-toxic when incinerated No-bleach production doesn't pollute lakes and streams with chlorine Manufactured in Sweden

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