Hutzler Garlic Saver

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Brand Hutzler
Model 356
Color Garlic Saver

  • The ideal way to store garlic
  • Perfect on a countertop
  • Keeps your garlic fresher longer, usually an additional 30 -45 days
  • Stores 1 head of garlic
  • Dishwasher safe and BPA free

  • The best way to store garlic is to keep it in a well-ventilated container. And this garlic keeper is the storage solution that looks just like the real thing. The holes toward the bottom allow for proper air circulation around the garlic. This will keep your garlic fresh longer, usually an additional 30 -45 days. Stores 1 head of garlic. The 2 sides are easy to open and close and attach by twist lock. Made of BPA free plastic. Dishwasher safe for easy cleanup.

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